Monday, July 24, 2006

Batman Sprache ändern


Hello dear readers,
you've probably already seen that the sidebar on the left side more and more crowded. For this reason, I would like all my traffic to some new gimicks, that my blog has been filled lately;)
On the one hand and the Own-house "Crash-Board", which you can reach via the link list. Second, I have
included a survey can say that all his thoughts with me.
visitors from English-or French-speaking regions to the "Babel-Fish Tool" for all to use blog to translate on the fly.
And at last, a small shoutbox, so that we can all talk a little miteinnander.
I would be delighted if you all participates a little bit on my side, so do not be afraid in front of all the tools to use enough). Comments
of ordinary people with my work I am of course still. Should you have

special requests on a Theme I have not listed here, please let me know that, I will gather all necessary information and bring them grab you in a nice article:).

Until next time


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